It is a Watercolor World in Neighboring

Watercolor how to video When a neighbor receives a kind note from us, especially if it is handwritten, they feel like the writer has a deeper desire to serve them or connect. I solated and lonely people desire a personal touch. This has always been true. But it is especially true during this period in our social history. As a speaker and writer on the topic of neighboring, I am seeing a surge of interest in connecting with the people who live nearby, and notecards are a great way to do introductions or invites. Taking the time to personalize a notecard, like with watercolors, can be relaxing for you, but it also tells the receiver that you invested time in the communication. Quentin Schultze, a Communication Professor Emeritus at Calvin College, is a fan of handwritten notes and personal letters. He has written books and blogs on communication topics, and when it comes to a handwritten note, he says a nicely written note is gold. “If there’s ...