The Value of Social Capital: Prioritizing Neighbor Connections Over Policing

“If the choice is between getting 10 percent more police or getting residents to create 10 percent more connections, pick the connections every time,” said Robert Putman in the new documentary Join or Die. The documentary examines social capital and its value to a community, based on Putman’s research and his book Bowling Alone. In his seminal work, Robert Putnam advocated for a societal shift in priorities, emphasizing the importance of fostering neighbor connections over bolstering police presence. This assertion underscores the fundamental significance of social capital in building cohesive and resilient communities. While the allure of increased policing might seem intuitive in addressing societal challenges, investing in neighbor connections offers a more sustainable and holistic approach to enhancing community well-being and safety. First, neighbor connections serve as the bedrock of social cohesion, fostering trust, reciprocity, and mutual support among community members. Wh...