Transform Your neighborhood into a Connected Community.

As soon as I heard the news of its release, I pre-ordered Cormac Russell and John McKnight’s book, “ The Connected Community: Discovering the Health, Wealth, and Power of Neighborhoods.” McKnight is the co-creator of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) and author of “Abundant Communities.” That book has some short-comings but it is the standard for understanding ABCD. The pre-sale marketing for “Connected Community” promised to apply ABCD in neighborhoods more deeply. So, of course, I bought it. That whole idea is at the foundation of my Engaged Neighbor Project. The book is organized into three distinct but connected sections: Discover, Connect, and Mobilize. The section on Discover focuses on the importance of what is already strong in your neighborhood (gifts or assets). Often, assets are in plain sight, and we just take them for granted. The section closes with three simple and effective tools. For Connect, the author encourages us to connect with those in ...