James and Sheila Boutwell: Big Home, Big Hearts, Big Blessings
Most people would agree that James and Sheila Boutwell have big hearts. They have made a practice of opening their homes to individuals and families needing help. But what many may not know is their hospitality began with prayer. “Sheila and I got married 16 years ago, with a family, and we were looking at a house … but at the onset, we said, 'Lord, this is your house. Do with it as you want to have done.' That was our full intention upfront," said James. From the beginning, hospitality was their intention and on their mind. And while James admits he is a collector of things, he did not fully realize that Sheila is a collector of people. With big arms, a big house, and big hearts, the couple began to invite people they met who needed a helping hand. Over the years, they have affectionally referred to them as the "basement dwellers." The first basement dweller was a lady whose home burned down, and she had nowhere to go. She lived in the basement for three