Get to Know the Hopeful Neighborhood Project

The Hopeful Neighborhood Project Can Coach You and Residents Toward Connection. 

I have featured the Hopeful Neighborhood Project on Neighboring 101 more than once. 

The first time it was to explain the overall organization and you can see that video here

I also had the director on to explain their neighborhood process and you can see those videos here: Discover Your GiftsImagine the PossibilitiesPursue the Common Good.

The Hopeful Neighborhood has terrific resources and materials online. They also manage the website for National Good Neighbor Day and are doing great work in spreading the word about what it means to be a connected neighbor.

One of their resources that I like best is Neighborhood Labs.

In this interactive lab, a facilitator guides you through The Hopeful Neighborhood Project process to help you plan a real, hopeful project that increases your neighborhood’s well-being. Tools like the Neighbor Gift Exchange and Neighborhood Gift Map help you discover the gifts all around you. 

The Well-Being Window and our Possibility Statements show you how to imagine the possibilities. The easy-to-use planning tools and trained facilitator ensures that you have everything you need to pursue the common good.

Learn more on their website.


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Contact the blog author, David L. Burton at


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