How Do We Get Residents to Share Neighboring Stories (Q&A)

Missouri Good Neighbor Week is a few months away as I write this article. One of the challenges for that statewide effort is getting participants to tell us their stories. And when it comes to neighboring, getting people to share their stories is a big challenge. Perhaps the best effective method is going door to door and handing out fliers and encouraging people to do so, face to face. The Neighboring Movement in Wichita, Kansas has had some success with this model. And I know in other settings, that door delivery (and possible face to face conversation) works best. For Missouri. Good neighbor Week, every year weeks and months after the event I hear from people about things they did but they never went to the website to record it. A few years ago I hosted a citywide effort in Republic I had an online link created through asking people to give feedback and share what they did. Even though we reached every house we only had a handful of responses Honestly, we onl...