Neighboring Resolution Approved by the Missouri Baptist Convention Oct. 25, 2022


I was ready for the debate. Ready to argue in favor of loving our neighbors and in support of Missouri Good Neighbor Week.

I even had my script written and had the timing down to less than one-minute. The following script was typed out on my phone is 16pt font.

I rise to speak in favor of resolution #3 On Loving Your Neighbor. The opposite of loving your neighbor is not hate. The opposite of loving your neighbor is apathy. Research is showing us that Americans and Missourians have believed, for too long, that being a good neighbor means being quiet and leaving their neighbor alone. Only that is not love. It is apathy. Missouri Baptists have the opportunity here to show the nation what it means to get messy and love our neighbors. I would urge Missouri Baptist churches to equip members to become engaged neighbors and use the new Missouri good neighbor week as an opportunity to launch new neighborhood focused outreach and ministry efforts starting on the doorstep of every Missouri Baptists home. It is essential for the whole church, to take the whole gospel, to the whole city, one neighborhood at a time. I would urge the passage of this resolution.

But in the end, I never had to take the microphone. 

Instead, pastors and messengers from nearly 500 Southern Baptist churches in Missouri unanimously supported this resolution:

Resolution No. 3: On Loving Our Neighbor

WHEREAS, Matthew 22:39 has Jesus saying, " And the second is like it: You shall love your

neighbor as yourself." (ESV); and

WHEREAS, James 2:8 says, "If you really keep the royal law found in scripture, “Love your neighbor

as yourself,” you are doing right." (ESV); and

WHEREAS, Jeremiah 29:7 says, “But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile,

and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.” (ESV); and

WHEREAS, research shows less than 30 percent of Americans know the names of any of their

neighbors and nearly one-third admit to not knowing the names of any of their neighbors1;

WHEREAS, we are created by our Triune God for social connections, developing relationships with

immediate neighbors is vital to overcoming isolation, depression, and loneliness, while being an essential

part of loving our neighbors; and

WHEREAS, neighboring is an opportunity to be thankful for those living nearest us, a chance to be a

blessing and to be gracious, and an opportunity to share the love of Christ (II Corinthians 5:17-20); and

WHEREAS, our communities and neighborhoods need to be undergirded by Christian love; and

WHEREAS, we are called to be active participants in our community and in building relationships

with unbelievers; and

WHEREAS, we recognize it is important for the whole church, to take the whole gospel, to the whole

city, one neighborhood at a time;

RESOLVED, that we, the messengers to the Missouri Baptist Convention meeting in St. Charles,

Missouri, October 25, 2022, as Baptists, Christians, and Missourians, call on our fellow believers and

church leaders to be intentional about loving their immediate neighbors;

RESOLVED, that we commit ourselves to support and celebrate the recently established Missouri

Good Neighbor Week (Sept. 28 to Oct. 4) to establish and develop loving relationships with our

neighbors for the gospel's sake.


1For more information, see the Art of Neighboring by Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon.

As a follow-up to the passage of this resolution, I did submit an article to the Missouri Pathway and it can be read online here.


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