Brighten The Corner Where You Are: A Neighbors Story from Rogersville, Missouri
Do not wait until some deed of greatness you may do,
Do not wait to shed your light afar,
To the many duties ever near you now be true,
Brighten the corner where you are.
- Hymn was written in the 1920s by Ina Mae Duley Ogdon,
When Darla Noble and her husband I moved to Greene County in 2012 their first stop was Springfield. She tells her story this way:
Living in town was something very new and different. As a fifth-generation farm girl, it was a culture shock; honestly, we weren't happy. So, in 2017 we built a new house in Rogersville. That was a happy medium, so to speak. But despite our best efforts to fit in and establish a new community of friends, it wasn't happening. So, about this time last year, I decided to stop trying. Instead of trying to fit into someone else's circle, I established my own.
I decided that I would brighten the corners of my neighborhood and my community and extend a hand of friendship to some of the other women in my neighborhood to see if they would like to join me. I was done with the superficial wave, nod, obligatory 'hello', and such. We are relational beings and need a community of friends who can lean on us and vice versa. So, I sent invitations and was 'rewarded' with a six out of seven positive responses. And as they say, 'the rest is history'.
Since last May we have been able to bring our neighborhood together in various, creative, fun, and relational ways. We have been able to come alongside a few neighbors in their times of need, to rally behind those who have lost loved ones, to help those in need of assistance during times of crisis, and to let the children know they are loved, cared for, and supported. As for the community in general, we have adopted a nursing home, we have provided supplies to the library, to support local businesses monetarily, and to become friends with those who live around us.
In short, we are LIVING in our neighborhood, not just existing.
Darla says one of her inspirations was an old hymn entitled, "Brighten the Corner Where You Are." Seek lyrics here.
Learn more about Darla Noble at
Read her blog about brightening your own corner of the world. Blog
Read her blog about inviting neighbors over. Blog.
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