Missouri Good Neighbor Week 2024 Builds on Momentum and Partnerships of Previous Years; Opportunity to Donate Now Online
Missourians from all walks of life will celebrate Missouri Good Neighbor Week (Sept. 28 to Oct. 4) by doing and reporting neighboring acts and celebrating the most engaged neighbors in their respective communities.
For the third year, University of Missouri Extension and The Hopeful Neighborhood Project have teamed up to sponsor the week across Missouri.
"Every day is a great day to be an engaged neighbor, but Missouri Good Neighbor Week allows us to focus on what it means," said David Burton, community development specialist with University of Missouri Extension and creator of Missouri Good Neighbor Week.
The goal for the week is to document 20,000 acts of neighboring in 2024 and to expand the use of #MoGoodNeighbors across social media.
Also new this year, statewide winners of the Most Engaged Neighbor Title will be announced and celebrated during the week. Nominations can be made all year online at the Missouri Good Neighbor Week website: http://missourigoodneighborweek.com.
The list of Most Engaged Neighbors in Missouri for 2023 can be found online at https://we-are-neighbors.blogspot.com/2023/11/springfield-mo.html.
While the numbers from 2003 are impressive, the individual stories are what matters.
"Reading the submitted acts of neighboring was inspiring. These are the stories that do not normally make the news but are the behaviors that impact our community health," said Burton.
Shari McCallister worked with D&L Florist (Houston, Missouri) and community sponsors to distribute 5,078 roses Sept. 28 across Texas County to neighbors and community heroes.
The City of Springfield, KY3-TV, and the Springfield-Greene County Park Board organized four neighborhood block parties in Springfield which attracted over 1,000 residents.
Sixty-one county MU Extension councils conducted a day of service during the week that involved hundreds of volunteers and reached thousands of Missourians with community service.
Burton says while the community stories are impressive, even more impressive were the everyday neighbors who were acknowledged for their daily care for their neighbors.
"From Stacie, who shared home-grown produce with her neighbors, to Cassi, who helped an elderly neighbor with her lawn and flowers. Every story of an individual going out of their way for their neighbors was inspiring," said Burton.
Leaders want to keep the momentum of Missouri Good Neighbor Week going in 2024.
"After nearly doubling the reported acts of neighboring from 2022 to 2023, we know we have hit upon something that inspires people to act. We think a further key to expansion is partnerships with cities, libraries, and other organizations," said Prophete.
Another goal is to improve the reporting of acts of neighboring and nominations.
"We know of numerous examples of people taking action because of the week but not reporting it, and we need to do more to incentivize the reporting,” said Burton. “Having strategic partnerships with organizations and cities that help promote the week can help, I think.”
The cost of marketing Missouri Good Neighbor Week and celebrating success stories continues to increase. Because many businesses and organizations have asked in the past to help, there is now a way to support Missouri Good Neighbor Week with a sponsorship.
There are three different levels of sponsorship available in 2024. Each level is celebrated in slightly different ways. But the goal of the week remains the same: recognize outstanding acts of neighboring in Missouri and celebrate the stories of the most engaged neighbors in the state.
“Jennifer and I are working to provide participants with resources and ideas that help them become a better neighbor and help their community become more connected through neighbor-focused activities and events,” said Burton. “Sponsors help to make that growth possible too.”
Donations can be made online at https://ioby.org/project/missouri-good-neighbor-week-2024.
Missouri's Governor signed legislation HB1738 on July 1, 2022, establishing Missouri Good Neighbor Week. The week begins on Sept. 28, also National Good Neighbor Day (first created in 1978 by President Jimmy Carter). Being a good neighbor offers tremendous health benefits, reduces crime, reduces loneliness, improves communities, and improves our quality of life.
For more information, contact David Burton, community development specialist with University of Missouri Extension, by phone at (417) 881-8909 or by email at burtond@missouri.edu or online at http://engagedneighbor.com.
Jennifer Prophete
can be found at the Hopeful Neighborhood Project (https://www.hopefulneighborhood.org) and reached by
email at jennifer.prophete@lhm.org.
Does this article make you interested in taking the Engaged Neighbor pledge? Five categories and 20 principles to guide you toward becoming an engaged neighbor. Sign the pledge online at http://engagedneighbor.com.
Contact the blog author, David L. Burton at dburton541@yahoo.com.
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