Why Neighboring Support is an Important Role for Cities
A city thrives not merely on its infrastructure or economic prowess but on the strength of its social bonds. None of these bonds is as vital or impactful as the connections forged between neighbors.
For this reason alone, a city should support efforts to build neighbor connections: Those connections foster resilience, social cohesion, a sense of belonging and place, increased engagement, safety and collective well-being. Improvement in each of those areas actually takes stress off the city for services!
Let’s take a closer look at what is gained.
Fostering Resilience: In times of adversity, a community's resilience often determines its capacity to withstand and recover from such challenges. Positive connections among neighbors form the backbone of this resilience.
Fostering Social Cohesion: Building social cohesion is paramount to fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion in communities where cultures—like those between long-time residents and newcomers —converge. When residents feel connected to their neighbors, they are more likely to work to improve life in the community and to engage civically.
Fostering Engagement: People get involved where they feel they belong and are heard. Healthy neighbor relationships contribute to both and help people learn to communicate well with people who have opposing viewpoints. Neighbors serve as catalysts for civic engagement. They provide opportunities for dialogue, discussion, and collaboration on local issues. This engagement at the grassroots level is vital for a vibrant democracy, as it ensures that the voices of all citizens are heard and considered.
Fosters Safety with Neighborhood Watch: Neighbors play a crucial role in maintaining community safety and security. By looking out for one another, reporting suspicious activities, and working together to address safety concerns, they create a safer environment for everyone. This collective effort not only enhances the well-being of individuals but also contributes to the overall stability and trust within a democratic society.
Promoting Collective Well-being: Humans are inherently social creatures, and the quality of our relationships profoundly impacts our well-being. By prioritizing efforts to build positive connections among residents, cities invest in the well-being of their inhabitants, creating environments where individuals can thrive.
By investing in the social capital of its neighborhoods, a city lays the foundation for a stronger, more vibrant, more engaged, and economically stronger community. Every day a city (its leaders and staff) can strive to recognize and support the importance of neighbors, find ways to nurture these relationships, and then can contribute to the overall well-being and success of our democracy and the function of the community.
Are you interested in taking the Engaged Neighbor pledge? The pledge outlines five categories and 20 principles to guide you toward becoming an engaged neighbor. Sign the pledge online at http://engagedneighbor.com. Individuals who take the pledge do get special privilides and get invited to future events online and in person. Contact the blog author, David L. Burton at dburton541@yahoo.com.
I so agree! I know that I gain so much personally from knowing the folks on my block! Everything from asking for a missing ingredient to opening a stubborn jar lid to getting someone to pick me up at the car repair place is easier when I know my neighbors.