About the Engaged Neighbor Program


The Engaged Neighbor Program is dedicated to teaching people how to be friendly, active, and connected neighbors. The program's mission is to make being a kind, active neighbor not only something people do, but something that is seen as healthy, normal, and important. By offering engaging events, helpful training, and easy-to-follow resources, the program encourages individuals to get involved, build relationships, and contribute positively to their neighborhoods.


The program aims to foster strong, connected communities where everyone feels a sense of belonging and is actively engaged with their neighbors. It seeks to make the act of being an engaged neighbor a celebrated and expected part of community life.


  • To make being a kind, active, and connected neighbor a widely recognized and important aspect of community life.
  • To build the "civic muscle" of neighborhoods by focusing on key elements like belonging, contribution, leadership, and vitality.
  • To train block captains across the state and provide opportunities for people to become Certified Engaged Neighbors.


The Engaged Neighbor Program organizes and hosts events that allow neighbors to connect, including monthly Neighboring 101 classes and Neighborhood Labs that use asset-based community development principles to help people assess and improve their neighborhoods. Additionally, the program created, markets and celebrates Missouri Good Neighbor Week (Sept. 28-Oct.4), awarding and highlighting acts of kindness and the most engaged neighbors statewide. We also celebrate National Good Neighbor Day on Sept. 28. Other neighbor focused events created and celebrated as part of the Engaged Neighbor Program are Show-Me Neighborhood Art Week (June 1-June 15) and Missouri Little Free Library Week (May 11-17).

As part of this program, participants are encouraged take the neighboring pledge at engagedneighbor.com, a simple commitment to becoming a more active and involved neighbor. For those looking to go further, the program provides resources, consulting services, and recognition for those who have made significant contributions to their neighborhoods.

By offering a variety of resources, events, and tools, the Engaged Neighbor Program helps individuals and communities build connections that lead to a stronger sense of belonging and increased community vitality.

Written by David L. Burton


Take the Engaged Neighbor pledge and become part of a movement! The pledge outlines five categories and 20 principles to guide you toward becoming an engaged neighbor. Sign the pledge at https://nomoregoodneighbors.com. Individuals who take the pledge do get special invitations to future events online and in person. Contact the blog author, David L. Burton via emal at dburton541@yahoo.com.


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